Step 5 – Presenting

Hey SchragBlog visitors! Susan here. I’m still looking for nuggets I can give you to help you move your team forward faster. I am continuing to ask myself…”What is Byron doing different that’s allowed him to succeed at a high level?” And I feel like I’m struggling to put my thoughts into words that will impact you enough for you to get out there & change your world. If you’re one of those people who is ready to live the dreams that God put in your heart, get out your notepad & take notes on this video. In this video Byron touches on several topics that are huge pieces of this puzzle. Things like…

*Don’t get all tied up in knots that there is only one “right” way to build a team.
*People don’t join your team because of the presentation. They join because YOU are going somewhere & they want to join YOU.
*If it’s worth doing it’s worth doing badly

And there’s more in there. Watch the video & make notes that matter to you. Not just the ABC’s & 123’s of presenting, but the little nuances that you pick up along the way. Then go put them to work with your own “why” & your strengths & your personality! You can do this!


Step 1- The Most Important Step        Step 2 – Commitment        Step 3 – The List        Step 4 – Inviting